Thursday, January 27, 2011

StonefishSays: "Hey Idol...That's What I'm Talking About!!!"

StonefishSays: "Hey Idol...That's What I'm Talking About!!!"

Milwaukee, as we found out last night, is home to many things...I will add to that list. Milwaukee was the home and host of a great audition episode, on last nights Idol. There was talent, first and foremost, and there was some not so talented. FOX gave us a great mix last night and even let the "pity party" continue, here and there.

Who knows, maybe I did see the next American Idol, last night. There was definitely some talent showcased. The judges seem to be getting acquainted nicely with their jobs too. Sure we had a few get golden tickets, that shouldn't have, but overall, I was pleased with what I saw and the level of talent displayed to us. Idol seemed to focus more on the search for talent and the competition aspect, of the show.

So kudos, to FOX and let's hope they keep it going tonight. Let's load up on the talent, so it will be a real "Hollywood Hell Week" and let the "cream rise to the top!!!" (Didn't want to use Steven's line there, but feel free to...)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

StonefishSays: New Orleans...The Pity Party Continued....


StonefishSays: New Orleans...The Pity Party Continued...

Alrighty then, I'm a bit tardy, with this post, same old story again...I didn't see the next American Idol, at the New Orleans Auditions. I saw a continuation of the "Pity Party" started in NJ. Come on Judges, this is a singing contest. We all could tell some sad stories to get a Golden Ticket. You too, FOX!!! Why are you hiding the talent. There's gotta be some quality voices showing up, for their chance to make it big. Let us see them, please!!! A large majority, of these golden ticket holders, from NY/NJ and NO, aren't even gonna get jet lag. They will be chauffeured right back to the airport and be home in time, for their late local news.

Tonight, we get Milwaukee. Isn't close to Genoa City?

Again, we are at the mercy of the FOX Network. What are we going to see tonight? Hopefully some talent. I want to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. I want to see a reason to keep on watching. I want to see someone who is great and others who can match up. This is a singing contest.  I want to see fierce competition, out of the gate. Not the first 10 or so that you showed auditioning, who got a golden tickets. They are all non factors, (to me.)

The PVR is set, but I'll still be watching live. Back again tomorrow, with my thoughts and hopefully something to rave about!!! I'll also be on the lookout for the "square glasses" wearing people...(Danny)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

StonefishSays: "Season 10 Is Underway, Baby!!!"

StonefishSays: "Season 10 Is Underway, Baby!!!"


Last nights Season Premiere of Idol, was one of the most anticipated episodes ever! What I found encouraging, was the mention, over & over again, of "TALENT!!!" This is a singing competition people, not a pity party.
Now the judges appear to be finding there way. So far Steven , to me, has been pretty much what I expected. J-lo, on the other hand, would have no problem saying "NO" to me, if I asked her for a dollar or to do a Beyonce move. So get it together, loose the act and "Just Say No, Baby!" You will live. Don't worry about feelings... they, (feelings,) just cloud the issue at hand, if they can sing or not.
Now, as for some of these people who got their "Golden Tickets," last night..... I believe alot of the NY/NJ crew, will spend more time in airport security, than in Hollywood!!!
Hopefully we will see "Something Special," from someone tonight! I don't know about you, but I didn't see the next American Idol last night. We'll see if I'm wrong, on that one....
Got that tumble saved on my PVR. Look for that in super slo-mo, as a background, for an upcoming video, come "Top 12" time. Til then, my tv is locked on Fox tonight @ 8:00pm EST.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

StonefishSays: "Season 10 Baby!!!"

StonefishSays: "Season 10 Baby!!!"


Alright, I'm back and ready for the 10th season, to kick off. Hopefully, this year, the talent is better. I will definitely miss Simon and hope the talent is there. The judges will do their jobs, but I hope the contestants "Bring It!!!" Last sason to me was like watching a CFL game & one of my "Dark Horse" picks, (Andrew Garcia,) folded like the Canadian Jrs. did, to the Russians, after the second period...Hollywood Week.

For those of you veiwing in HD, you will be able to see StevenTylers layers of make-up, not quite doing the job & J-Lo...

Who cares???  She'll be sitting the whole time.

The scene is set, let's see what Season 10 brings us.....hopefully not another

Who??? Oh yeah, I just Googled it, Lee Dewyze or Chris Allen......

StonefishSays: Season 10 Baby!!!